Saturday, September 14, 2024

Soul of an Octopus: Book Review

Soul of an Octopus

By Sy Montgomery

( my copy)

I never thought I would be interested in learning about an Octopus. After reading, Remarkable Bright Creatures I definitely changed my mind. I've become more curious. I have watched, The Octopus Teacher on Netflix and National Geographic documentary on Hulu. I didn't know the amazing things Octopuses are able to do. They have no spine so they slither in and out of places, change colors, they can give you love bites up and down your arms with their suckers. They have three hearts, 2000 suckers, and much, much more.

After reading Remarkable Bright Creatures recommended by my cyberfriend Cynthia Timko I can say it was a well worth read. The memoir is about her time in the New England Aquarium in Boston, and her friendship, relationship, and bonding and experiences with the Octopus, Kali, and Octavia. From beginning of life till their timely death(they only live 3-5 years.
In between the sentences are slivers of scientific facts. I wish the author explained more about the anatomy of the Octopus and the many interesting facts. But I assume this wasn't the author's goal. It was more about the relationship they had.
The author wanted to tell her story about the bond between her and her love of her Octopuses (Octopus whisperer). The life cycle of the beginning of the young octopus to their death. Octopus don't live long. Both Female and Male die after having sex and fertilizing the eggs. The author also shared her experiences diving in the ocean exploring for Octopuses in the big wide ocean.
The interesting part was sharing her experience for the first time putting on and taking off her wet suit. What an experience. I didn't realize how hard it is getting used to, using the regulator. I assume we all know about the "Bends", what an experience she had.
I enjoyed reading about the life and experience and love the author had with her friends, Kali and Octavia, the octopuses. I am going to miss her stories. I would like to recommend to anyone who loves, animals, oceans, octopuses and nature. But, especially if you plan on reading, Remarkable Bright Creatures, The Soul of the Octopus compliments each other. BTW, if you haven't read Remarkable Bright Creatures you should.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Playing With Fire- Book Review

If you are interested in our history in the 1960's and understand our divide and discontent. You should read Playing with Fire by Lawrence O'Donnell. Who happens to host his show on MSNBC, The Last Word. He is very knowledgeable and did work in Washington as an Aide to Senator Moynihan.  I originally thought, Playing with Fire was around the convention in Chicago in 1968. But it is alot more.

In 1968, I was 10 years old. My family were not too much into politics though my Dad was and is a republican die hard. He is a party man, not about country, unfortunately. But, I was too young to pay attention to politics then. I now pay attention, now. Its too bad I didn't pay attention till much later. But, with the conventions coming up and reporters talking and referencing it to now. I thought I would read it. I realized after I started reading. I really don't understand the current history and the politics, shame on me. Playing with Fire opened my eyes to understand the 1960's.

Vietnam, Civil Rights Movement, Conventions- Chicago, Miami, Racial Discrimination, The Southern Dixiecrats,  College Campus sit ins, Johnson, Rockefeller, Nixon, Reagan, Goldwater, Buchanan, Humphrey,  McCarthy, Wallace, MLK Assassination, RFK Assassination, etc, etc. How the presidential race changed history forever.

The book is a interesting take from the author's perspective. Lawrence O'Donnell did his research well. I can tell he did his homework. I didn't  realize the dynamic of Johnson and Humphrey. How Johnson was friendly with and talked to Nixon during the race and helped to stall the Vietnam War for several more years than was necessary. He was influential with democratic losses in 1968. How the anger influenced the election. Nixon was instrumental to ruin Johnson's legacy and had people to interfere with the war with foreign leader in North, and South Vietnam. 

I enjoyed reading, and opened my eyes to the real truth and not gossip of those years. I am ashamed I didn't know the history. The only thing I remember was about Wallace was so bad, and a supremist. I remember thinking how anyone could vote for him. Well, here we are in 2024. Trump is worse than Wallace. 

I was gob smacked how thrilling a ride it was to read, Playing with Fire. I should have known it would be a captivating read. I thought it would be relevant to read before and after the convention to understand the anger and hate in Chicago during the convention in 1968, and the riots in the streets. The book is not just about 1968 but after the Convention and before leading up to the race of and politics of 1968. I recommend it to anyone interested in this time period. 


Remarkable Bright Creatures- Book Review


Remarkable Bright Creatures

By Shelby Van Pelt

I didn't understand the hype of the Remarkable Bright Creatures till I read the first page. Wow, who a story about an elderly woman and the connection with an elderly Octopus would have such an impact. Full of emotion and overwhelming warmth and a fuzzy feeling. I can't rave enough about this one. It's full of heart and beauty, sweet emotions, and even a mystery. These type of books I love books with a touch of magical realism, and reality. 

Its about three characters, Tova, an elderly widow who befriends a Pacific Octopus.  She works in an aquarium at night.  In the aquarium she befriends a Pacific Octopus in the aquarium, Marcellus. Who both build a remarkable friendship, and love for each others.  Until one day, a young man Cameron comes to town and changes their life forever in so many different ways. 

Thank you, Thank you to one our members of our book club. I most likely wouldn't have read it. Thinking ridiculous, a book about an octopus. I have to stop judging books till I read it. I don't trust books with lots of hype. Well that changed my mind. 

The book is about love, hope, humanity, and also family. Connections how you think you are not connected, but are. How even as you get older things can change, and happen in your life in unexpected ways for the positive.

With all the bad stuff in the news. The novel put a smile on my face. The novel will make you weep and smile simultaneously in so many ways. I recommend the book highly, and spread the word. 

She's Not Sorry: Book Review

 She's Not Sorry

By Mary Kubica

Library Copy

One of the best thriller and page turner I've read in awhile. I haven't been able to connect with any book in the last couple months since my Mom's death. Not this one. The second novel I have read by this author (Mary Kubica). Loved each novel I have read by Ms. Kubica. 

I am a retired nurse. I absolutely loved the book because most of what was happening was in the hospital setting. What we do as nurses taking care of patients. I could relate to most of what was going on. This has to be the first novel I've read about nursing, and the occupation. The author got it right. I don't know if she worked as a nurse. Or she knew someone, or did her research before publishing. The story seemed to authentic working on the hospital floor. I didn't work in ICU, but I did work on the post-surgical floor. 

I loved the fast paced thriller. I read, and loved it for the fun and the great read it is. 

Soul of an Octopus: Book Review

Soul of an Octopus By Sy Montgomery ( my copy) I never thought I would be interested in learning about an Octopus. After reading, Remarkable...