Monday, January 29, 2024

The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory- Book Review

 The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory

By Tim Alberta

The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory is an important book to read to understand the Evangelical Church in our politics today.

Tim Alberta is a reporter, investigative journalist, and author of the Atlantic Monthly. He is also a pastor's son of the Evangelical Church. 

Mr. Alberta starting writing this book after his father passed away. How he was treated after he wrote his first book, American Carnage. He felt he was safe in the church away from the politics. This didn't happen. He was approached by someone who he knew growing up. Attacked verbally at his father's funeral. He then realized he must write a book on the Evangelical Church to open people's eyes, wake up and to hopefully safe it. This a journey for a young man to understand what is going on with the church he loves. A long journey to discovery what is right and what is wrong and be critical where it needs to be. 

His previous non-fiction was about what went wrong with congress in his previous book(American Carnage). He's most recent book is about the criticism of the Evangelicals. He is objective and critical of the church. He is critical of people he admired, respected as an evangelical growing up in the church, what was shocking to realize part of it was he's father that led a evangelical church in Michigan. 

Tim Alberta has concluded money and power, and politics is more important than leading a Christian life. How did this happen, he criticizes? 

The leaders of the evangelical church instead of teaching from scripture. They are speaking on the pulpit of current events. Since Nixon and Reagan changed the climate in politics. It has captured the movement. 

The Right knew how to divide and capture and divide society starting with the abortion issue. Then went on to use Jimmy Carter who was running for president as a wedge in the south. From there it continued in colleges (Liberty University) for starters and then it grew and blossomed to where we are today. FYI-Did you know Catholics were the ones who were upset about abortion, not evangelicals. 

Tim Alberta did an extensive interview with several pastors that are extreme and not so extreme. Which in one of the interviewees was a prominent leader (Moore) in the southern baptist organization. 

Mr. Alberta doesn't hold back. He is critical and honest in his interviews. He writes about how the church became powerful before President Trump. How they used everything inside and outside of scripture to entice more congregants to join their Megachurches. Also, how politicians were used, and millions of dollars given to and from politicians. I assume separation of church and state was thrown out like the bath water!

Remember the serpent oil gathering so called church rallies? You ever watch them on movies sounds like the same thing. All this to gain power and make the church richer. Its very sickening because some of these pastors realize they are wrong. But they can't help themselves. The money is more important than anything else. 

After President Trump's candidacy it changed everything. Many Evangelicals still didn't want Trump. But after Covid started most of these people thought the government was targeting them. Which was foolish, because Trump was the government. Does it make sense?.no. But somehow the pastors turned it to, and Fox News as well turned it around to their advantage with conspiracy, and, yes, Lies! ( I don't call fake news. Call it what it is). The movement became stronger after, and Trump stronger. 

What's wrong with the church? the leaders, pastors, organizations. Also, the corruption, sexual scandals, the cover-ups. Scriptures not being spoken on the pulpit. Some churches have bowed to the pressure. Some churches did back down. But some didn't. They may have lost members but not enough to not survive. There are many churches and organizations are fighting back. On Youtube, podcasts, Pastors and leaders as well through different medians. You just don't know it.  

Thank you, Tim Alberta, for publishing and opening the eyes of the public. The question of what is happening all around me is finally answered with the book

I'm not a Christian but all the church services I have attended in the past many years didn't make sense. For example, Love your neighbor..., Treat the stranger..., didn't make sense. With those words Christians were not living up to scripture as I saw it. After reading the book I finally realize what's going on. 

I recommend the book anyone who wants to understand what's going in our country. Why the Evangelical Church has captured Trumpism (they think he is a savior btw). Then the book is for you. I will say though, read it in small gulps. Reading too much will overwhelm and consume you with sadness and anger.

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