Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Plot Against America: Scary

The Plot Against America

By Phillip Roth

library copy

This is the second time around I am reading, The Plot Against America. The second time around I have a better appreciation of the novel than the first time around. I read it when it was first published in 2008. It didn't have the same impact as it does now. 

The book I read again a few weeks ago. I don't remember the entire novel. But, I will say, Phillip Roth must have seen it coming. All the themes he has covered in the book is pretty much is what is happening now. It is a warning to us. 

I didn't read any of Phillip Roth's novels. I did see as a young adult I recall watching a couple of his earlier novels. Which were adapted for the screen. I can't believe I watched them. But, those were the times we lived in. 

Anyway on with the book. Since  my memory is fuzzy. I will just tell you the novel is speculative fiction. What if novel. So you are asking what if, what?  Back in the 1940's if you were living then you already are aware of the history. But, some us didn't know it was happening. It wasn't written in our history books. Everything was painted roses. We loved our leaders, senators, congressmen. This is not true at all. The average American  didn't realize what was happening in our country while FDR was president.  There were threats within caused by outside sources. Of all places Germany. What??!, you say. It's sounds unbelievable. Yes, it is. But, it is true. I couldn't believe it either. But, I did my research.  And found out it is true. 

Any hoo, the book is terrifying. And close to what we are experiencing in the United States today.  Being an outsider when you are not welcome in the US. There are so many parallels in the book comparing to the 1940's, to now. Making it relevant for today. The author must have known what was happening in our government and political leaders.

He wrote the book after 9/11. Think about what was going on during that time. Our president and leaders were becoming rigid and hard line with the middle east, particularly Iraq, and Afghanistan. We were being swayed by news media. Who was telling the truth? We didn't know the truth. Only what we were being fed. 

The Plot Against America is about a family living in Newark, NJ in the 1940's living in the US where anti-Semitism was running rampant. It divided families against each other and communities. FDR was running for President for a second term. He was running against Charles Lindbergh. He is larger than life hero. He was famous as an aviator who crossed the Atlantic. He's baby was kidnapped and eventually found dead.  He is known for his politics, and anti-Semitism beliefs.

I feel it was interesting perspective I had from 2004 and now in 2023. What a difference of my thoughts of the book from then to now. I recommend the book if you like speculative fiction, historical fiction. I give it five tea cups. 

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