Sunday, March 5, 2023

Book Review: Cobalt Red

Cobalt Red

By Siddharth Kara

Review from my library

 Unfortunately I couldn't finish, Cobalt Red. Of course I had sadness, empathy, and compassion for the people the author was investigating. Unfortunately, I felt the author was redundant through out the book. Cobalt Red exposes the conditions the villagers in the Democratic Republic of Congo are subjected to. Including poor working conditions, exposure of toxins in their community, and the village they live in. The author observes the miners under the noses of most of  the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo.  Mr. Kara exposes the way minerals are mined under our noses and the world. Many times he was put himself in danger. He was limited to certain areas he could travel to. 

Is it China who owns the mines? Or is it their very own government at fault? China acquired the mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under everyone’s noses. Or the global world at fault? Not enough reporting in the area. This is the question we should ask our self every time you charge your cell phone, PC, or any other battery operated device mined for Cobalt, Lithium, etc. 

I’m sure like everyone else. We didn’t realize how Cobalt was manufactured for batteries. As long as our phones are charging, and computers are running. But, now there is more demand for better long lasting batteries for our phones, and PC. Since Covid it has changed our use of technology. 

The sad truth it is ruining the envoirment , polluting the air, killing the people in the villages, treating the villagers as slaves. As I was reading. I was thinking of the Bible( Egypt, and the slaves). Hundreds of people digging to only making a dollar a day. This is not just men, women( even pregnant), (little kids) mining. 


As I was reading I was thinking about our climate. We are destroying our planet just as much as natural gas, oil etc. How do we regulate this. When no one cares? It’s not over our control? It’s not a simple answer. 

China owns these mines. They don’t regulate. They have manufacturing mines. But that isn’t enough. There are smaller mines where anyone can work. Making a dollar a day. The villagers are independent and they go through a middle man. They are supply and demand. Covid made the situation worse. Who is to blame? China? Globally to allow this to happen? Their government? 

China doesn’t care about the people, the villages, or the community. They took advantage of the people. They don’t give back to the community. Just poison the community with toxins. The government has been corrupted and don’t care as long as China pays them and lines their pockets. Globally we turn our backs and want a green earth. Hypocritical when the conditions and the treatment of these people and the environment is appalling. We, the world have to find a solution. For the villagers, and our climate. 

Why I stopped reading this book and didn’t finish. As I was reading I realized this is a political weapon I have in my hands. Sure enough the author was on the book tours talking about it and politicizing it. I don’t know if it was the author’s intention. But, he was falling in the trap. If it was intentional or not. I don’t know. But, because now it’s being politicized. I had to stop reading. I was mad as H-ll for the conditions, then politicizing. I just couldn’t read anymore. I think the author knew what was going on. But, of course he wants to sell his book. Instead of talking about the wrongs of the villagers. It became a conversation about oil and gas vs. cobalt manufacturing. Not finding solutions. I don’t know what the author’s politics are. It seemed to me he really didn’t care about the issues. Rather he wanted to play politics. I never seen anything like it in my life. 

I am glad he brought it to the attention of the public. The villagers should have a right to dignity, and a good life. Instead they are living in poverty, misery, and suffering. At work, home, community, and their environment. 

China thinks of them of the villagers as subhuman. The continent of Africa has had colonial rule from Leopold( Belgium) for many years before China. The country has always been oppressed from one country from another. They win their independence. The leader, and the government becomes corrupted and taken advantage by countries. The cycle starts over again. Whether colonial rule or self governing the country never prospers. Only the leader and who it profits.

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