Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Medgar and Myrlie: Book Review


Medgar & Myrlie

By Joy -Anne Reid

If the only name you know is MLK Jr, There is so much else to read about in Medgar and Myrlie. There is one name you most likely don't know about is Medgar Evers and Myrlie. This book is not only about the civil rights movement. Its about the love story of Medgar and Myrlie. How she loved, supported him all his life unfortunately till his death. Even after his death she continued on. 

He was more instrumental and did more for the movement than most people are aware of in the white and black community. Possible because he was doing his work in the south as the central cause not as a federal issue like MLK. 

If you think being Afro-American is dangerous now. You should go back before the 1960's. Black people couldn't go to the same schools, bathrooms, water fountains, restaurants, etc. Killing, lynching, disappearances, suspicious killing( lynching, suspicious disappearances and killings were rampant in the south. Court cases were unjust. 

How would you feel serving your country during WW2 and return to the country you sacrificed your years of service to and wasn't acknowledged by  certain people mostly in the south. You still would have been beaten, lynched and been treated with disrespect. This was exactly what happened to Medgar and others that served. When Medgar returned he met Myrlie and married and then moved to Mississippi.  He became an insurance agent and talked to his customers about the inequality in our country. He started holding meeting in churches, civic centers. Which was dangerous and many times had to meet in secret. He was then hired by NAACP who had a different agenda. Where he was looking for a movement in the cities, and towns throughout Mississippi. Through sit-ins, protest, but the NAACP wanted to fight in the courts which was too slow. They felt it was too expensive to bail the protestors out of jails, or security to keep them safe. 

He was instrumental in the movement with other names, MLK, John Lewis, Malcolm X. He is less known because his fight was in his state Mississippi, Where he's life and family was always in danger, including his neighbors who some didn't want no part of  Medgar because of the danger if they were associated with him. One night ended it all for Medgar, Myrlie and his family, Mississippi and the nation. Myrlie after his death kept his memory alive by continuing his work. Now Myrlie is still in love after his death of many years and continues his work even now.  Yes, I would recommend the book if you are unaware of the the civil rights movement. 

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