Friday, August 4, 2023

Book Review: The House of Lincoln

the House of Lincoln
By Nancy Horan
Library Copy 

I enjoyed the novel. It made me feel like I was actually living it in real-time in Springfield, and Washington DC. The Characters came alive and actually helped me understand the times before and after the Civil War, and Lincoln's election. I had empathy, and sympathy for some of the characters, Mary for instance. What she went through losing her sons, and the assassination of her husband. What would you do? How would you react?

The toll on slaves, and slavery, the legacy of Lincoln. The effects of the Civil War were never resolved after Reconstruction. It makes you wonder what if. What if President Lincoln wasn't assassinated? What would have been different? It makes you wonder. The author put it in perspective in the last quarter of the novel what did the Civil War solve? Was it worth it? The author fast-forwards to another event in the 1908 riot in Springfield. There is a connection of one of the characters to the riots which surprised and saddened me. Are we surprised we didn't know about this? For me, I'm not. I learned some years ago about Tulsa, then learned ab.out Wilmington. So, no I'm not surprised. There were several riots around the country in the late 19th century and the early 20th century.

I recommend the novel to anyone interested in American History, particularly the history of Lincoln. The only issue the novel was a bit slow in some parts, hence the four stars. But keep going as it gets better. I learned some much and did my research to learn about the riots.

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