Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Coronation Year: Book Review

Coronation Year

By Jennifer Robson

 I loved Coronation Year by Jennifer Robson. Like her previous novel, The Gown we are the bystanders. The characters are the Brits watching on the sidelines. The Queen, and her coronation is not the main event. We get a surprise at the end though. But, I'm not going to tell you. You will have to read it yourself. I am not telling, lol! It is the year of preparation for the new Queen, Elizabeth,  and her coronation. The three characters, Edie Howard, Stella Donati, and Jamie Gedds, and a hotel, The Blue Lion Hotel are the backdrop. All the characters are residing, at the Blue Lion. 

Each has a fascinating story on to itself. Edie, is a proprietor of the hotel. Its been in the Howard family for 600 years. Her parents died in a tragic accident and left the hotel to her. 

Stella is a holocaust survivor. She is the only one left in the family to continue her parents legacy. Stella was living in Italy is eyeing a fantastic opportunity to begin a new life in Britain. She eyes a position in a magazine in anticipation of the celebration of the Queen's coronation. She is lucky though. Her Parents had become friends with Edie Howard parents long ago. Conveniently Stella calls Edy to stay at her hotel. 

Also at the hotel is James Geddes, known as Jamie. He is a Indian descent. He is a war hero from WW2. He studied law to become a lawyer. But the war changed him and his ideas. Instead he became creative as a gifted painter. He is commissioned as an artist to create QE2 coronation day, a painting. 

Jamie begins a courtship with Edie. Befriends Edie. On their first date and a confrontation ensues with a white Brit. Which allows Edy to finally look at people and events in a new light( aha moment).

All these characters come together to stop a tragic act from happening on the day of the coronation. Who saves the day you ask? Will something happen to the hotel? The Queen? Who was responsible? 

This is a wonderful time to read before the coronation.  I was reading and didn't realize it was this week when I picked up the novel from the library, Is this coincidence? maybe a sign?, lol! With King Charles the Third coronation day on Saturday, May 8th. 

I would recommend reading, Coronation Year. I'm not a royal follower and I like reading it. The author also wrote the novel, The Gown. It was terrific too.  You don't have to read the Gown first. The book is a stand alone. If you like historical fiction, an anglophile. I would recommend reading the novel. But to warn you a head of time. This is not about the royals. If you want to read about every day lives of the people in Britain during the coronation. The novel deals with themes of diversity, racism of society in Britain. I felt the taste, smell and sounds of Britain as I was reading in and around London. I would recommend it. I just loved it. 



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