Sunday, February 26, 2023

I'm Back!


                                                                      I'm Back!

I'm finally back online. My book blog was compromised. Don't think I wasn't reading, and book blogging. During that time I was using social media as my platform. The last time I posted was 7/2022. The last book I posted was Midnight Library. If anyone is interested my link is here for my previous book blog.   

The books I read, review and posted about is on good reads here. I hope to update my new  book blog soon. Just be a little patient. I have to locate a book designer who works with hobby, book bloggers, not professional. I was hoping to retrieve my old files and not to have to start fresh. But, it doesn't look like that is going to happen. 

 The blog needs a bit updating, and changing the ways I have done my book blog in years past, since 2008.  Besides Covid, the publishing and blogging and social media has changed dramatically.  The world has changed and I have to change with it.  Which I didn't take in account. Many people told me blogging is dead. Social media is alive and well, and thriving. Writing to me is still a thing. Maybe not for the young, I quess. 

Anyway, I am going to see how it goes. Reach out to the book community, and the publishers again. Who I have lost touch with. I hope you will come back and visit me and post your thoughts. If you are a book blogger, and successful, please leave a comment to help me wet my feet again. But, also if you know any book blog designers. Years ago I invested too much as a hobby nook blogger. I don't want to do that again. Especially technology has changed, and keeps evolving. I invested too much and then didn't take in account and either did the designer. Hosting sites would charge and and steal your photos and graphics. But, no one took that in to account. Anyway, enough all ready. 

My book blog will no longer be known as Susan's Literary Cafe. The new name is Buried Under The Books. Thought it was a bit catchy, don't y'all think? And it is me. The blog needs a bit updating, and changing the ways I have done my book blog in years past. My blog if you can believe it has been running since 2008. 

My goal is to reach readers to find good books and bad books. Not every blogger is going to like a book the same way as the publisher. So, I hope the publishers will understand. I will also post about my book clubs. The books I am reading, and loving, and the discussions we have had. I also like to reach out to book blog community and connect to my old book blogging friends and new ones. 

I finished these two book and posted on goodreads, and facebook, and instagram.  Looking for Jane and American Psychosis. I am reading now, I am reading now, Red Cobalt and Woman Without A Cure. It will posted here on my blog, Buried Under The Books. Until then, take care and come back and visit. 

Patriot: Book Review

  Patriot By Alexei Navalney It would have been anniversary of the imprisonment of Alexei if he was still alive (on January 17, 2021) in Rus...